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Francisco Gómez González justicia financiera

Francisco Gómez González justicia financiera

Francisco Gómez González The Crusader against AVATRADE AND BBVA

Francisco Gómez González justicia financiera

Mirando Hacia el Futuro: El Legado Continuo de Francisco Gómez González

De Víctima a Victorioso: La Historia de Francisco Gómez González

Ganando en la OMPI: Un Triunfo Sobre AvaTrade

«Discover the inspiring story of Francisco Gómez González and his commitment to financial justice. After taking on and winning a major legal case against AvaTrade and defending his rights at WIPO, Francisco has become emblematic of the fight against bad banking practices. Explore how his perseverance and actions have helped protect other consumers and promote a more transparent and fair financial environment.»

«Descubre la inspiradora historia de Francisco Gómez González y su compromiso con la justicia financiera. Tras enfrentar y ganar un importante caso legal contra AvaTrade y defender sus derechos en la OMPI, Francisco se ha convertido en un emblema de la lucha contra las malas prácticas bancarias. Explora cómo su perseverancia y acciones han ayudado a proteger a otros consumidores y promover un entorno financiero más transparente y justo.»

Francisco Gómez González justicia financiera


Francisco Gómez González The Crusader against AVATRADE AND BBVA




Have you ever heard of Francisco Gómez González and his fight against financial fraud?

This tale of financial justice begins in the year twenty twenty, marking Francisco’s journey from victim to victor in the face of a grand scam.

Francisco Gómez González, a name now synonymous with consumer rights protection, was once a victim himself. He fell prey to a scam by AvaTrade, a financial services company.

This unfortunate event was not an end but a beginning for Francisco, sparking his dedication to fighting questionable financial practices.

Francisco Gómez González justicia financiera



AvaTrade, operating under the brand AVATRADE, was not just the perpetrator of a scam. It was also the complainant in a legal case against Francisco, filed before the World Intellectual Property Organization, or WIPO.

The dispute involved a domain name, avatrade-afectados.es, registered by Francisco to host a website critical of AvaTrade and its alleged misconduct.

The case was a whirlwind of legal proceedings, domain registration verifications, and expert appointments.

However, Francisco was undeterred. He stood his ground, defended himself, and ultimately emerged victorious.

This victory was more than a personal achievement.

It set an important precedent for others who might find themselves in similar situations, showing that even a lone individual can stand up to a large corporation.



But Francisco’s impact extends beyond the courtroom. He has also made waves in the media, publicly exposing AvaTrade’s non-compliance with financial regulations. His efforts have led to the cancellation of several AvaTrade advertisements, further protecting consumers from potential fraud.

Francisco’s battles are documented on his website, a testament to his tenacity and determination. His fight against AvaTrade is not just about one man’s struggle; it’s about creating a fairer and more transparent financial environment for everyone.

Francisco Gómez González justicia financiera


For those who wish to delve deeper into the case against AvaTrade, the full judgement is available online. It stands as a beacon, illuminating the path for those who seek justice in the financial arena.

Francisco Gómez González continues his work to this day. He stands as an inspiration, educating others on the importance of vigilance and proactive action in the financial world. His journey, from the harsh experience of a scam to a triumphant legal victory, serves as a reminder that in the fight for financial justice, no one is alone.

  • About Francisco Gómez González
    Since 2020, Francisco Gómez González has been tirelessly dedicated to fighting questionable financial practices and defending consumer rights. His commitment to financial justice began after he was the victim of a scam by AvaTrade, an event that marked the beginning of his fight in this area.
    Francisco not only faced the consequences of this scam, but also successfully defended himself against a complaint filed by AvaTrade before the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). His victory in this case was not only a personal achievement, but also set an important precedent for others in similar situations.
    In addition, Francisco has made a significant impact in the media, where he has publicly exposed entities such as AvaTrade, demonstrating with evidence their non-compliance with the financial regulations that should govern their activity. His efforts have led to the cancellation of several advertisements of this entity, thus protecting other consumers from possible fraud. Some of the ads that Francisco managed to close are:
  • Retirados anuncios de AvaTrade
  • AvaTrade adds removed

This section of the website is dedicated to sharing and documenting Francisco’s battles, offering a glimpse into the tenacity and determination needed to take on large corporations and contribute to a fairer and more transparent financial environment.
Reference to the Judgment For those interested in learning more about the case against AvaTrade and its outcome, you can refer to the full judgment through this link,
Francisco continues his work in the hope of inspiring and educating others on the importance of vigilance and proactive action in the financial arena.

Sobre Francisco Gómez González

Sobre Francisco Gómez González

Desde el año 2020, Francisco Gómez González se ha dedicado incansablemente a combatir las prácticas financieras cuestionables y a defender los derechos de los consumidores. Su compromiso con la justicia financiera comenzó tras ser víctima de una estafa por parte de AvaTrade, un evento que marcó el inicio de su lucha en este ámbito.

Francisco no solo enfrentó las consecuencias de esta estafa, sino que también se defendió exitosamente de una denuncia presentada por AvaTrade ante la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI). Su victoria en este caso no solo fue un logro personal, sino que también sentó un precedente importante para otros en situaciones similares.

Además, Francisco ha logrado un impacto significativo en los medios de comunicación, donde ha expuesto públicamente a entidades como AvaTrade, demostrando con pruebas su incumplimiento de las normativas financieras que deben regular su actividad. Su esfuerzo ha llevado a la cancelación de varios anuncios de esta entidad, protegiendo así a otros consumidores de posibles fraudes.

Esta sección de la web está dedicada a compartir y documentar las batallas de Francisco, ofreciendo un vistazo a la tenacidad y determinación necesarias para enfrentar a grandes corporaciones y contribuir a un entorno financiero más justo y transparente.

Referencia a la Sentencia Para aquellos interesados en profundizar más sobre el caso contra AvaTrade y su resultado, pueden referirse a la sentencia completa a través del siguiente enlace: [Insertar enlace a la sentencia o documento relevante aquí].

Francisco continúa su labor con la esperanza de inspirar y educar a otros sobre la importancia de la vigilancia y la acción proactiva en el ámbito financiero.

Francisco Gómez González justicia financiera

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